Professional Studio Membership Options:

Full Shelf Membership $295 / Half Shelf Membership $195

24-Hour Access to Studio

Members receive a key to the studio and are free to come and work at their convenience.

Use of all the equipment, glazes, and firings.

Members will have access to three throwing wheels, all tools, and three industrial sized kilns that fire to Cone 6 and operate with fast turnaround times.

Clay Available for Purchase

Members can choose to purchase a wide selection of clay from the studio at an affordable price.

Designated Shelves for Each Member

Each member is assigned to a designated shelf to keep their glazes, clays, and in-progress pieces safe from the general public.

Member Events

Enjoy members-only social events and studio showings where your pieces can be marketed to encourage sales!


Feel at home in a community of other artists who encourage, collaborate, engage in conversation, about art.

Discounts on Workshops

Be the first to know about discount workshops to sharpen your skills or learn a new one. Check out our (Raku getaway weekend in Westcliffe CO coming up)

Inclusion to the gallery and first Fridays.

Have your work be shared and appreciated with Denver! You can sell your work in the gallery or have it be shown on First Fridays.


Studio Guidelines

  1. Helping to keep the studio clean, such as wiping down the area where you worked, any surfaces you used, rinsing out the rags, sweeping, wiping the chair down, any and all tools, equipment, the floor around your work area. Please use a mop not a sponge on the floor. Mop heads are in a plastic bag hanging besides the mops and broom out in the hall. etc.
  2. Please either throw your clay bags away or rinse them out and put them on your shelf so you can reuse them.
  3. If you have good clean plastic from a dry cleaning or bags from a store please bring them in. Also please do not put dirty plastic back in the bin when finished, please throw them away.
  4. Rags when you're done with a rag, rinse it out and hang it up so it will dry. If the rag is not that dirty fold it up and put it on your shelf so you can reuse it. I have to take these to a laundry mat so just try and be considerate and use them until they really need to be laundered.
  5. The bats and bat pins need to be cleaned and DRIED before putting back in their place. Please put the bat pins back in their little jar.
  6. Do not leave studio bats on your shelf, put your wares on a ware board.
  7. Ware boards need to be wiped down and dried as well before you put the back on its shelf. Also please remove your ware boards from your self as soon as you're done with them, because we just don’t have so many that you can have them just sitting on your shelf.
  8. Wipe down and scrub the kneading table and slab mats after you use them. Speckled buff is considered red clay. The only white clay is b-mix, porcelain and quarry.
  9. Membership dues 1st of every month. Also if you need to quit membership please give me one month notice. And you need to clean off your shelf at the end of your membership, otherwise I will have to charge you for days that your things remain on the shelf. The key must be returned to me.
  10. Please turn off all lights including the bathrooms, turn off or down thermostat to a reasonable temp. In summer just turn off AC, in winter please turn heat down to 55F and please never ever have the heat turned up past 70F.
  11. First Fridays: The more members help out the better, this entails helping set up and clean up after. The hours are 6-9pm but I could use help From 5-10pm or whatever you can spare. I know some people work on Friday nights so can’t be there, but maybe can help out with other things like the day before or running and getting things from Costco for me etc. We will not be doing First Friday January through March.
  12. If you see the trash is full please empty it!  Please reach out to Mary for the code.
  13. Please have enough room on your shelf, so I can put your finished pieces on it. I do not have room for finished work anywhere in the studio or gallery.
  14. Keys, please lock door when you come in, because you can’t hear anyone coming in while in the back. If you lose your key it will be $10. To get a new one.
  15. Please answer the door if you’re in the back. If it is a customer who is interested in looking at the art, let them, engage with them, and if you sell something you get 20%. Please ask and I’ll show you how the square works and about writing up a receipt, this is only needed if I’m not there.
  16. If you get locked out or forgot your key, there is a lock box left of the back door and the combo is 1026.
  17. You can buy your own clay, or buy clay from me. Speckled buff, quarry, or B-mix with grog. Each bag is $22. This includes tax.
  18. My Venmo is mary-mackey-5 or Zelle is under Mary Mackey and my phone number which is 720-271-9601. I prefer Zelle since they do not charge me a percentage and if you can pay me through Zelle I can help you set that up, it’s pretty easy.
  19. If you don’t know how something works, please ask.
  20. We have one on one wheel instruction at various times. This should not impact anyone.
  21. I know this is a lot but I’m trusting you with my life here and I want this environment to be a clean and enjoyable for everyone.
  22. If you want to hire one of the instructors for furthering your talents please call one of the following
  23. Janet Schreiner 303-656-0128
  24. Julia Lober 208-790-3173
  25. Hillit Wahlberg 917-251-2040 (Studio Manager and Part time teacher)
  26. Alexandria Kennedy 703-963-1760
  27. Rags and towels need to be used more then one time unless it was for throwing and there is a lot of clay on it. In that case please rinse out and get as much of the clay off of the towel, ring out and put somewhere where it can dry out then that needs to be put in the dirty rag hamper, so Hillit can take to the laundry mat.
  28. Please replace paper towels and TP when needed in the kitchen or bathroom, which is stored in. The 2nd toilet, or in the closet behind the curtain in the bathroom.
  29. If you put food in the fridge please make sure you use it or dispose of it before it gets moldy, because we do not throw things out of the fridge. YOU HAVE TO.
  30. If you want to put in beverages that you don’t want to share please put your name on them, otherwise you can drink what’s in there and pay for it by putting money in the jar in that cabinet.
  31. There is a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink, it is the button by the faucet, Please use the disposal for things that can go down there instead of putting in the trash, because the trash only gets taken out once a week. If you smell something bad take the trash out yourself. Extra bags are either under the kitchen sink or to the right or in the bottom of the cadet where all the tools are in the studio.
  32. Also if you see that the trash is full in the studio or glaze room, please take it out and replace the rubber band and trash bag.
  33. I have noticed that the wheels do not always get turned off, please make sure you do that.
  34. Only put your bisque ware up on the shelf that is to get fired if it is bone dry, do not leave it there to dry. 
  35. When you wipe things down please use a dry rag to wipe things up with after you have used a wet cloth, that way you do not leave large smears of clay on tables, chairs, wheels, bats, etc.
  36. Please sweep up all crumbs of clay off of floor so your not stepping in it and spreading all over the studio.
  37. If you see something that needs to be done please do it, it takes everyone just doing a little bit to keep the studio a clean environment for everyone.
  38. If you want to use the slab roller, please first pick which mat to use ( red or white). Get a piece of clay flatten it with your hand on the kneading table first so it’s nice and uniform. Then pull one end of the mat out so that end is longer, than open the mat so ones on top and ones on bottom. Then place the clay near the roller, then raise the roller up so the first roll over is not too stressed. Then take your clay out turn it over and change the side, pull that side of the mat so it’s longer and place the clay near the rollers, crank down the rollers a bit. Do this procedure 3 or 4 or 5 time depending on how much clay you have.
  39. Please ask for assistants if you need it.
  40. If you’re the first person into the studio, please take at bowl or small bucket and empty the clean water from the clay bucket into the sink, when you start to see dirty water stop.
  41. If you have anything on your shelf you need to pay your membership, you can not pause your membership and leave your things there.
  42. If you have questions about the kiln or how things work in the studio, please Hillit or myself, but if you want to ask a favor or want to change something please ask me.
  43. If you want a friend or family member over to the studio to show them around or have someone come in for a short time, this is fine, but I can not have anyone who is not a member using any of the equipment. This includes ,wheels, slab roller, glazes etc. This is because for insurance and this equipment is very expensive.

Contact Mary for Membership Signup